All Body Parts Name in English and Hindi along with their Functions
The human body is indeed a wonder of nature complex parts in an interlinked system working in perfect harmony. From the head to the toes, every part may play an important role in keeping us alive, healthy, and functioning. This article proposes to provide an in-depth guide to all body parts names in English along with their Hindi meanings and functions. It is designed to teach children as well as adults to enhance understanding and knowledge about the human body, providing an easy-to-understand guide over both those we can visually see and those that lie within our bodies.
Human Body Parts Name
As children grow they ask questions about how their body fits in this world and functions. They start with some abstract knowledge about those parts of the body observable, such as the head, hands, and feet however, the rest of the parts need to be included in their pool of knowledge which are to be called organs. This article will teach children of any age the names and functions of all body parts that will generally fall under the broad categories, such as the head, torso, limbs, and inner organs.
Fun exploration of the human body Let’s begin with the name for each part, where it is found, and what it does uniquely.
Head and Facial Parts Name
The head possesses some of the sensitive parts of the human body and is also the part where most sensory activities occur, such as looking, listening, tasting, and smelling. Some of the most noted head and facial parts include the following:
- Head: The uppermost section of the body, housing the brain.
- Hair: protects the scalp and prevents sunshine and cold.
- Forehead: The area above the eyes; it is helpful for facial expressions.
- Eyebrows: A small strip of hair above the eyes, thereby keeping sweat out of the eyes.
- Eyelashes: Keeps dust and debris from the eyes.
- Eyes: Organ for vision; allows us to view the world.
- Nose: Nasal organ for smell and respiration; contains structures responsible for filtering air.
- Cheeks: These are fleshy parts on either side of the face which is helpful in mastication and speech.
- Mouth: Used for speech, eating, and respiration.
- Lips: These are soft, fleshy, movable structures that provide the mouth opening, helpful in speech and utterance.
- Teeth: Helpful in masticating and chewing food and play a part in speech.
- Tongue: Helpful in tasting the foodstuff and speech.
- Ears: The sense organs for hearing and equilibrium.
- Chin: This is the lowermost part of the face.
Top Body Parts Name in English
The torso, shoulders, chest, and back are taken to be parts of the top body part. Many vital organs lie within the torso, shoulders, chest, and back. Top body parts name are simple to learn and understand here are theirs name and functions –
- Neck: This is the portion that supports the head of the body and accommodates the larynx and trachea.
- Shoulders: In this body part, the arms have been added to the torso for a great deal of mobility.
- Chest (Thorax): They incorporate the heart and lungs by providing a space for the ribs and sternum.
- Breasts: Situated on the chest, the functions of these bodies are related to lactation.
- Rib Cage: This can be an accumulation of bones that provide a protective covering for the heart and lungs.
- Back: It provides support to the body, which enables posture and mobility; it bears the vertebral column.
- Abdomen: It has housed many digestive organs like the stomach and intestines.
- Navel (Belly Button): It is the remnants of the umbilical cord; it is the middle of the abdomen .
- Spine (Backbone): It is the central support structure, used for maintaining postures and protecting the spinal cord as well .
Lower Body Parts Name of Human
The lower body part mainly serves to have movement and accommodates the torso from the waist downwards to the toes. Lower parts have also some parts which are known as –
- Hips: They connect the torso to the legs and enable the skeleton in movement and balance.
- Waist: This is the thinnest part of the torso which lies between the rib cage and the hips.
- Buttocks: These are formed by gluteal muscles and contribute to moving about and sitting.
- Thighs: These are the two upper parts of the legs that play great roles in walking and running.
- Knees: These are the joints connecting the thighs to the lower leg and are among the high contributors to mobility.
- Calves: Muscles that are found on the back sides of the lower limbs.
- Ankles: These are junctures that connect the legs to the feet; they sustain movement as well as support stability.
- Feet: This is the bottom base of the human body that walks and stands.
- Toes: They contribute to the body’s stability and support during walking or standing.
- Heel: This is the back part of the foot; it supports and absorbs shock when moving around.
Extremities (Arms and Legs) part name
Extremities the arms and legs are crucial frameworks to movement and touch with the world. The legs and arms have also some parts here are their name and functions-
- Upper Arm: between the shoulder and elbow, that allows arm motion
- Elbow: the joint connecting the upper arm to the forearm
- Forearm: the section between the elbow and the wrist
- Wrist: the joint connecting the forearm to the hand
- Hand: contains fingers and thumb, used to grasp and act upon objects.
- Fingers: They make precision work possible, like writing and holding.
- Thumb: The index finger provides grip and manipulation
- Legs
- Thigh: Top section of the leg that allows for major movements such as walking or running.
- Knee: Provides an important joint for bending the legs.
- Ankle: Connects the leg to the foot providing flexibility in movement.
- Foot: Helps in supporting the body’s weight and all forms of walking.
- Toes: Used in maintaining balance within the body.
Internal Organs name of human body
Many organs are outside the body yet there are inside it and still play a very important role for the maintenance of the body’s function. One of the most complicated part of human body is internal organs part, their name are –
- Heart: pumps blood through-out the body to enable oxygen and nutrients
- Lungs: aid in breathing and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Liver: detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs
- Kidneys: filter blood removing waste and extra fluids
- Stomach: break food down in the body in the digestive process
- Intestines: Nutrient absorption of broken down food in the gut.
- Brain: Is the body’s central processing unit, regulating the elements of thought, memory and movement of the body.
- Pancreas: Its primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels and assist in digestion.
All Body Parts Name In English and Hindi
Here is a list of All Female and Male Body Parts Name in English and Hindi, along with their meanings. This list will help to further expand your knowledge of human anatomy by covering both external and internal body parts.

All body Parts name in English | All body parts name in Hindi (शरीर के अंगों के नाम) |
Head | सिर |
Hair | बाल |
Forehead | माथा |
Eyebrow | भौंह |
Eyelash | बरौनी |
Eye | आंख |
Ear | कान |
Nose | नाक |
Cheek | गाल |
Mouth | मुंह |
Lip | होंठ |
Tongue | जीभ |
Tooth (Teeth) | दांत |
Chin | ठुड्डी |
Neck | गरदन |
Shoulder | कंधा |
Arm | भुजा |
Elbow | कोहनी |
Forearm | बांह |
Wrist | कलाई |
Hand | हाथ |
Finger | उंगली |
Thumb | अंगूठा |
Chest | छाती |
Breast | स्तन |
Rib | पसली |
Abdomen | पेट |
Navel (Belly Button) | नाभि |
Waist | कमर |
Hip | कूल्हा |
Buttocks | नितंब |
Thigh | जांघ |
Calf | पिंडली |
Ankle | टखना |
Foot | पैर |
Heel | एड़ी |
Toe | पैर की उंगली |
Back | पीठ |
Spine | रीढ़ |
Nape | गरदन का पिछला हिस्सा |
Waistline | कमर की रेखा |
Pelvis | श्रोणि |
Larynx (Voice Box) | कंठ |
Trachea (Windpipe) | श्वासनली |
Esophagus | अन्ननली |
Lung | फेफड़ा |
Heart | ह्रदय |
Liver | जिगर |
Stomach | पेट |
Kidney | गुर्दा |
Intestine | आंत |
Pancreas | अग्न्याशय |
Spleen | तिल्ली |
Bladder | मूत्राशय |
Uterus | गर्भाशय |
Muscles | मांसपेशी |
Bone | हड्डी |
Joint | जोड़ |
Artery | धमनी |
Vein | नस |
Nerve | तंत्रिका |
Skin | त्वचा |
Palm | हथेली |
Thumb | अंगूठा |
Index Finger | तर्जनी |
Middle Finger | बीच की ऊँगली |
Ring Finger | अनामिका |
Little Finger | छोटी उंगली |
Forehead | माथा |
Face | चेहरा |
Temple | कनपटी |
Jaw | जबड़ा |
Gums | मसूड़ा |
Molar | दाढ़ |
Incisor | कृतक |
Pupil | पुतली |
Iris | आँख की पुतली का रंगीन भाग |
Retina | दृष्टिपटल |
Cornea | नेत्रकला |
Lens | लेंस |
Ear Lobe | कान का निचला हिस्सा |
Eardrum | कान का पर्दा |
Ear Canal | श्रवण नली |
Nostril | नथुना |
Sinus | साइनस |
Vocal Cords | स्वरयंत्र |
Collarbone | हंसली |
Shoulder Blade | कंधे की हड्डी |
Humerus | प्रगंडिका |
Radius | कलाई की हड्डी |
Ulna | कुहनी की हड्डी |
Femur | जांघ की हड्डी |
Patella (Kneecap) | घुटने की हड्डी |
Tibia (Shinbone) | पिंडली की हड्डी |
Fibula | पिंडली की छोटी हड्डी |
Achilles Tendon | अकिलिस कंडरा |
Arch of Foot | पैर का मेहराब |
Heel Bone | एड़ी की हड्डी |
Conclusion: Body Parts Name
We have discussed all about the important Body parts of a human in along with their hindi meaning. This type of question generally asked by the newly born baby. There are enough information about the body parts like 100 or 50 body parts name which can be asked by the newly born baby. It is easy to learn and understand the complex body part which can help to keep our body health and fit. Stay tuned on GamaPost for such a informative articles.